Everyday I am able to do a bit more - everyday I get a bit better. A new bonus - an added joy to accompany my recovery - entire left leg muscle spasms. It keeps me in the moment and lets me know I am alive. Thank you, Universe.
I need to talk about gratitude~waking up everyday and feeling the joy of just being given the gift of life. Another day to appreciate all the blessings ~ family, friends, books, poetry, art, creativity, nature, a mind to explore ideas. I was just thinking about how lucky I am or how lucky we (the universal we) are to be able to have one other person in the world that we can reach out and touch whenever we need to. Without that person, we may feel untethered. I know I felt this way when Ben died. Grant it that there are those among us who either do not have, or choose to not have this other person. I personally think that everyone wants to have someone, but they just don't know how to find that person.
I love Bob, but I also love that whenever he needs someone to reach out and touch, I am that someone. I feel privileged to be his someone. He is my someone. Just knowing that I am not alone in this giant world is so reassuring, but everyday it is necessary to be grateful and show this gratitude by choosing the mood of the day. Everyday - though we have, sometimes, overwhelming feelings that we can let determine our mood - we can also choose to be happy and
spread happiness. We can choose to be of service to others and let our creativity and gifts shine. Maybe we can be the person for someone who didn't even know that they needed someone to reach out and touch by just practicing kindness as a way of repaying our gratitude for the day.
We don't know what each person we encounter each day is going through in their own lives. Assuming that everyone one needs grace and love, is a safe assumption.
"Money makes the world go round," it's been said - but I think the Beatles were right, "All we need is love." I can acknowledge that in this world without money, it is hard to lose sight of all this living in harmony BS. Being retired has given me the opportunity and time for reflection that working day by day did not. If I had to or if I chose to go back to work I believe that I could apply my new way of thinking and feeling with love and gratitude. I can live and work in a new way. I only wish that I had come to this knowledge so long ago. Everyday while working, I was under the influence of the task at hand, societal pressure, pressure of coworkers, pressure of those in charge, and my own pressure to be what everyone wanted, or needed me to be. I now realize that I am in charge of how I react and reflect what is shown to me. I don't have to snarl back. I can just let the love and grace I have in my heart be what others see. I guess it's what they mean by, "Live and Learn!"
I have to admit that this is a daily struggle. It isn't easy to not respond to other people's negativity. But, each time I respond in a positive grateful manner, it becomes easier. I am doing my best to truly see the good in others and show everyone around me what a wonderful world this can be.
Thank you for reading my blog and keep following to find out how my journey is going and to hear more about living a life with gratitude.